Models update

We’ve been working hard recently on getting a lot of game mechanics up and running, making some fancy particles effects and getting the terrain and character models done. While a lot of this is still in progress, we’ve got some nice, textured models to show you.


Here’s our player character, with all the textures finished, including interchangeable colours. Josh is currently working on animating him. The next few models where made by Sean.


This is the crossbow our characters will be using to slay the dragon. In game the bow will appear fairly small, but some of the details should still stand out.Image


These are two of the main environment pieces. Once the terrain has been crafted, these will be dotted about the landscape with varying rotation and scaling in order to throw some variety in there.

This week is gonna be very busy as we have a presentation next Monday. As such, expect some massive updates soon, including (hopefully) a gameplay video.